East Hampshire

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Vacancy: East Hants Cider Representative

Friday 22 July 2022

Our East Hants CAMRA Cider Representative has had to move away suddenly and there is a vacancy for this important role. So, if you enjoy real cider and perry you could help to promote and campaign for them in local pubs and clubs, and help to raise awareness with branch members.

The role can involve

  • Encouraging local pubs and clubs to serve real cider and perry.
  • Raising awareness, both in the trade and with branch members, of genuine real cider and perry and their usual methods of storage and dispense.
  • Researching real cider pubs, cider makers and distributors in your branch area.
  • Reporting progress, information and news to your branch and to your Regional Cider Coordinator.
  • Encouraging pubs that stock real cider and perry to extend their range to include local producers.
  • Involving branch members in selecting the Branch Cider and Perry Pub of the Year.
  • Assisting with ‘secret customer’ surveys for the annual Regional Cider and Perry Pub of the Year competition. This may involve taking part in surveys and recruiting branch members to take part.
  • Encouraging or organising cider-related activities and promotions.
  • Becoming the branch expert on cider and perry.

Apart from an interest in real cider and perry useful attributes include access to a computer/tablet and the internet plus good interpersonal skills. The role can take up as much time as you are prepared to give: at most two hours a month is probably usual except at key times, such as the lead up to May and October Cider Months plus Cider and Perry Pub of the Year. If you are interested contact the EHA branch secretary Tony Davis on 01420 543086 or at secretary@eha.camra.org.uk for an informal chat. Any nomination by the branch will have to be confirmed at regional level.